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2013-09-06 10.41.50 Reader, discipline is not my strongest attribute. You may remember me whining about how difficult it is to work from home. I know, blah, blah, blah!

But it is difficult to keep all the tea cups in the air without spilling tea all over myself. Or in my case it’s usually coffee.

I’m not good at time management, well at least I’m not naturally good at it. But I am learning. And I am improving.

The hardest thing for me to master is that I am actually working. Running a business from home is hard, and it’s for all the reasons that it’s good.

  1. I can be flexible, work hours that suit me. ~ mm, I should be editing, but I might just weed the garden/clean the fans/hang out the washing, first. 
  2. If someone pops in, no worries, I can catch up later. ~ ah, no you can’t. Because you’ve already put everything off to clean <insert your own busy stuff> 
  3. Emergencies pop up, I can catch up later. ~ahem, you are now three days behind in the bookkeeping and even further in the editing. 
  4. And on and on it goes. – you get the picture.

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I could waffle on about this for the rest of the day and drive you all to eating seventy four boxes of chocolates. In the interest of not foisting obesity on to you reader, I’ll shut up now.

So, back to the topic at hand. What to do about it?

Make a roster or schedule? I suppose it’s worth a try. I’ve done it before, but that’s usually when a truck breaks down and everything else, justifiably, goes out the window. Usually when I have some kind of emergency I really find it difficult to get back to what I was doing. I tend to go and find someone to talk to. Or make some very naughty comfort food, eat it and then feel worse and can’t do any more work.

Well I have a bit of a plan, and I’ll keep you posted about how it works out.

I’ve a whiteboard in my office and it’s divided up into days. The seven columns are divided into two rows. The top row is for Beavans Haulage tasks that must be accomplished. The bottom row has always been for personal. I am about to designate that row to writing tasks. I don’t usually have anything in it anyway. So I’ll be putting it to good use.

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So far this morning, I’ve done my domestic goddess duties, washing done, dogs walked and chickens watered, cat fed and aphids sprayed.

Now to have a cup of coffee and read Nostalgia, with a little light editing (marking up the obvious grammar goofs).

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Then I’m into the office to do the Beavan’s Haulage tasks.

But wait! Look, there’s the mailman! Oh my goodness, those blinds need cleaning! I’ll be right back  . . .

2013-09-06 10.40.38So reader, domestic duties! Are they the distraction for you, that they are for me? Are you disciplined? If you are, how do you do it? If you’ve conquered the procrastination beastie, how??? Please share. I need all the help I can get.

tear out hair