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Here we are reader, another Monday, a writerly Monday if all goes to plan, but as the Momma’s and Papa’s say, you can’t trust it.

Another thing reader, if you came in here looking for advice on writing, I think there’s a pretty good chance you are in the wrong place.

However, if you are here to read about the hills and hollows, twists and turns, or even the ups and downs of a fledgling writer?

Then my friend, you are right where you should be!

This week I can share that the first ten days of NaNoWriMo have been great, my writing’s going smoothly, or it was. I’ll come to that later.

As you know reader, I purchased a fantastic “How to” book in “Nail your Novel” by Roz Morris, and I got planning and plotting, I even wrote a detailed synopsis. And then I waited for days until November One! Waited and waited, or so it seemed. Then 1/11/12 rolled around bright and early on a Thursday morning and as soon as I was out of bed. (Well after cleaning my teeth, going to the loo and making a lovely cup of coffee) I opened up Scrivener and began.

I couldn’t believe it reader, it poured out, the story that is. And what’s even better is, I was loving it. Loving that my writing seemed to be quality, each word felt like a ‘Keeper’. When I read back over it, I wasn’t horrified, I had expected to be horrified. I was last year. But beyond a few small tweaks, I really liked what I’d written. I sent some scenes to my favourite readers.

And yay, they all came back wanting more, please. MoRe PLeaSe they said. Wow, this is encouraging, I wrote on, and on. It flowed, I’d think of a small plot twist and felt as if the story was gaining strength, gaining momentum.

I loved it.

But now reader, I seem to have hit a little bit of a sagging middle. My next job is to dig deep, suck it up and write on.

So this week, I’ll be dreaming about tropical idylls, swaying palms, underwater scenery. Watching DVD’s of spear fishing, free diving and imagining the sand between my toes.

How about you? What will you be doing, writing about or even imagining?