Here it is, Tuesday already and I totally forgot to post anything yesterday. Life snuck off and left me behind.

So, as I’ve really done very little writing (that means NOTHING reader) I thought I’d share a little of my routine with you. I always intend to stick to a proper constructive routine, but usually it goes out the window pretty quickly. And this is what I end up with! Enjoy 🙂

6am – Alarm goes off, bash alarm clock snooze button, head under quilt.

7am – Dave rings me to offer a cheery good morning, I mumble that I’m asleep and promise to ring back as soon as I’m not.

7.10am – Bladder alarm goes off and I stumble out of bed.

7.15am – Jug on for coffee, into shower and then the phone should ring with Dave calling to tell me of something funny, or annoying, or that he’s broken down.

7.30am – Make coffee, finish ablutions, ring Dave back.

8am – Walk dogs, shiver until I sweat and then go inside to warm house and decided the house is too warm.

9am – Breakfast, washing on, tidy house (sometimes).

10am – Into the office, check emails, get distracted by facebook and weight watchers websites.

11am – Panic, check emails again and then begin doing overdue invoicing, or data entry.

11.03am – Phone rings, explain to caller that we don’t transport fence panels/ride on mowers, pushbikes . . . that they may buy on ebay!

11.07am – Phone rings, good friend with interesting story/pressing need/family drama. Virtuously hang washing, pick up dog poo, haul firewood and fold washing while chatting.

12pm – Lunch time, this is a good time to decide that it’s much easier to cook a big pot of stew/soup/risotto and have a few meals ready for the next day or so!

1.30pm – Phone rings, Dave, wondering how I’m getting on! Evade topic of bookkeeping and begin photocopying industriously!

3pm – Afternoon tea, nothing in the cupboard, make some cookies so I have healthy gluten free snacks for a few days.

4pm – Coffee/Tea and eat half of fresh home made warm chocolate chip cookies!

4.30pm – Bring in washing, stoke fire, wonder what to have for dinner, not that hungry, but know if I don’t have something decent I’ll start cooking at 9.39pm.

5pm – Collect eggs, ring Dave and tell him how I just couldn’t get focused today, moan about how disorganised I am and then discuss how I don’t really know where our finances are in the business as I’ve had a crazy day of getting no where for no good reason!

5.30pm – Time Team

6.30pm – Time Team and eat whatever is left over from earlier cooking spree.

7.30 pm – Scan channels.

9.30/10.30/11.30pm – depending on what’s on telly, ring Dave to say goodnight, go to bed with a firm resolve to catch up tomorrow, oh and do some writing! Writing is a must!!!!